Current Safety Measures & FAQs
Emergency / Safety Fast Facts
Emergency Management - Critical Incident Response
Wakulla County Schools (WCS) takes an all hazards approach in its emergency management and preparedness initiatives. The Wakulla County School Board has adopted the National Incident Management System.
Examples of Our Safety Measures
Below are examples of the kinds of measures the Wakulla School District has incorporated in the comprehensive school safety strategy.
- Security cameras have been placed in every facility within the school district.
- Bus loading/drop off areas monitored by staff
- CPR and First Aid training for staff
- TEACH (Techniques for Effective Adolescent and Child Handling)
- Comprehensive safety plans for each school updated annually--plans include evacuation, shelter-in-place, parent communication
- Staff members designated to assist special needs students in an emergency/crisis
- Employee/visitor identification badges
- Designated parking for students, staff, visitors
- Crisis plans updated regularly to reflect current climate and level of risk
- Crisis management teams in all schools
- Regular maintenance and testing of security alarm systems
- Fire safety drills conducted as required
- Defibrillators tested regularly
- Entrance and Exit signs clearly marked and visible and maintained (signs such as No Smoking, Jessica Lunsford Act, check in at main office and so forth)
- Appropriate identification required of adults signing out students
Safety FAQ's
- Who can pick up my child at school?
- When would a school go into lockdown?
- I've heard the term lockdown. What is a lockdown?
- Will children be allowed to view events of a crisis via live television reports?
- What about my child's medication if there is an emergency?
- How would my child know what to do in an emergency?
- During national alerts or times of crisis, how does the district deal with field trips?
- How do I contact the school at a time of crisis/emergency?
- What if my child is riding a school bus at the time of a crisis?
- What is shelter-in-place?
- How will my child's school handle an emergency?
Who can pick up my child at school?
When would a school go into lockdown?
I've heard the term lockdown. What is a lockdown?
Will children be allowed to view events of a crisis via live television reports?
What about my child's medication if there is an emergency?
How would my child know what to do in an emergency?
During national alerts or times of crisis, how does the district deal with field trips?
How do I contact the school at a time of crisis/emergency?
What if my child is riding a school bus at the time of a crisis?
What is shelter-in-place?
How will my child's school handle an emergency?
Quick Links
Fortify Florida
Wakulla County Sheriff's Office
Wakulla County Emergency Management
Have Questions?
Contact Cole Wells by phone at 850-926-0065 or by email at if you have any questions.
Visiting, Volunterring or Doing Business with Us?
Visiting a School?
- Always check in at the main office
- Legally park your vehicle
- Have and present a valid source of identification
Volunteering or Doing Business with us?
Remember to check the current background-check requirements.