Instructional Services
Contact Us
Priscilla Colvin |
Holly Harden |
LouAnn Kiessig |
Allison Barrett |
Nicole Lovel |
Nicholas Weaver |
- District Plans and Resources
- District Reading Plan
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Instructional Materials
- Educator Resources
- Parent Resources
District Plans and Resources
Student Progression Plan
Student Progression Plan
The Wakulla County School District Student Progression Plan is a document delineating what a student must know and be able to do to be promoted and what the district will do to help the student meet the requirements for promotion.
Five-Year District Strategic Plan (2023-2028)
Five-Year District Strategic Plan (2023-2028) |
Our District Strategic Plan is comprised of the vision, mission, values, strategic directions and goals for Wakulla County Schools.
District Reading Plan
Comprehensive Reading Plan
Comprehensive Reading Plan
All Florida school districts are required to develop a K–12 Comprehensive Research-Based Reading Plan in order to receive funds for reading through the Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP).
Evidence-Based Content for Reading Comprehension Plan
Curriculum and Instruction
Curriculum Maps
General Education
- Kindergarten
- First Grade
- Second Grade
- Third Grade
- Fourth Grade
- Fifth Grade
- Sixth Grade
- Seventh Grade
- Eighth Grade
- Guidance
- Health
- Human Growth and Development
- Media
- Music
- Physical Education
- Visual Arts
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
Seventh Grade
Eighth Grade
Human Growth and Development
Physical Education
Visual Arts
Access Point Courses
Response to Intervention (RTI)
The goal of Response to Intervention in Wakulla is student success resulting in increased student achievement. This fully aligns with our vision – a rigorous and appropriate education that results in success for all students, and our mission – committed to success for students, teachers, staff, and our school system.
Please contact Nicholas Weaver or Vicki Benton at (850) 926-0065 ext. 9505 with questions you may have.
RTI Interactive Forms
- Classroom Observation Form
- Exclusionary Factors Form
- Intervention Support Team Folder Checklist
- Intervention Support Team Meeting Invitation
- Intervention Support Team Participation Notes
- Ongoing Progress Monitoring Documentation Chart and Fidelity Tool
- Parent Notification of Intervention Activites and Screening
- Record of Parent Conferences Tier 2
- Record of Parent Conferences Tier 3
- Review of Current Level of Performance Comparison Data
- Tier III Parent Notification of Increasing Intervention and Problem-Solving
- Student Data Form
- Tier I Intervention Plan AIP-PMP
- Tier I Gap Analysis - Academic *new*
- Tier I Gap Analysis - Behavior *new*
- Tier II Behavior Intervention Plan *new*
- Tier II Social-Emotional Intervention Support Plan
- Academic Intervention Plan - Tier II *new*
- Tier II Academic – Additional Intervention Page *new*
- Tier III Academic Intervention Plan *new*
- Tier III Behavior Intervention Plan *new*
- Tier III Academic – Additional Intervention Page *new*
RTI Documents
Diversity Education
Celebrating Diversity
Florida Heritage Celebrations
- Office for Civil Rights
OCR’s mission is to ensure equal access to education and to promote educational excellence through vigorous enforcement of civil rights in our nation’s schools. - Florida Diagnostic & Learning Resources System
The Florida Diagnostic & Learning Resources System (FDLRS) provides diagnostic, instructional, and technology support services to district exceptional education programs and families of students with disabilities. - Holocaust Resources Commissioner of Education's task Force on Holocaust Education.
Wakulla Innovative Education
Wakulla County School's Distance Learning Program
Wakulla County Schools Innovative Educational Approach: A Distance Learning Program
Superintendent Pearce Outlines Safely Reopening Schools and Distance Learning Plan
On Monday, during an open School Board Meeting adhering to CDC guidelines, Superintendent Bobby Pearce presented his School Reopening Plan. This plan was developed considering ever-changing circumstances and guidance from community health partners and safety and risk management professionals. It is a dynamic plan which we will modify when the need arises. The reopening plan and safety guidelines are available on the district website. The plan includes information about what returning to school will look like and what protocol are in place for student safety while reopening during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our district has created this parent guide which outlines the district educational options families can choose from for the 2020–2021 school year: Traditional Classroom Instruction at their school’s site and distance learning through Wakulla’s Innovative Educational Approach program. The new Wakulla Innovative Educational Approach program is focused on remote learning for K–12 students. The information below can all be found in the School Reopening Plan.
Wakulla School District Reopening Plan |
Wakulla Innovative Education: A Distance Learning Program |
The deadline for the Distance Learning Agreement, which allows you to choose the Wakulla Innovative Educational Approach distance learning program, has been scheduled for August 13. If not received on or prior to August 13, students will be enrolled in their brick and mortar school site. A WCSD Student Registration Packet and Distance Learning Agreement are required for enrollment.
For Distance Learners, documentation should be turned in at the WCSB District Office at 69 Arran Road Crawfordville, FL or send electronic documentation to Victoria Benton. New students returning to brick and mortar schools should enroll at their school site.
Courses begin on August 27, 2020.
Parent Night Resources
All About Distance Learning
- A Distance Learning Overview: The Wakulla Innovative Educational Approach
- What's Expected of Students Who Choose Distance Learning
- Some Considerations for Parents of Distance Learning Students
- Distance Learning and Exceptional Education
A Distance Learning Overview: The Wakulla Innovative Educational Approach
Distance Learning students will be placed in Wakulla County’s Innovative Education program upon receipt of the distance learning agreement and will maintain enrollment in their brick and mortar schools;
Distance Learning students will attend school online following Wakulla County Schools weekly pacing, they will follow a standard school schedule and will use their school site as a touch stone, they may participate in school extracurricular and co-curricular events.
Teachers will teach asynchronously with students utilizing the district learning management system Canvas;
Students are asked to commit to completion of one full semester and can return to their school campus second semester if they choose, or if they are not demonstrating adequate progress virtually;
Electronic devices will be available for students by contacting the Wakulla County Schools District Office, if needed.
Distance Learning courses will be designed to ensure standards and pacing matches the traditional classroom setting;
The course offerings will cover those required for student progression with limited elective offerings, it is possible more offerings will follow second semester.
Courses will be taught by employees of Wakulla County Schools.
What's Expected of Students Who Choose Distance Learning
All students will be expected to complete and submit assignments as determined by the assigned teacher;
All students will follow the assessment calendar and participate in all local and state assessments;
Each week, students are expected to complete course content and engage in innovative instruction within the designated schedule and pacing that matches instruction delivered in the classroom;
All students will be expected to demonstrate responsible attendance, log in, and attend to class content and assignments;
Students will access their curriculum and assignments via the Canvas Learning Management System;
Students will utilize Microsoft Teams for viewing any teacher scheduled live-lessons, meetings, or small group instruction.
Parents are expected to serve as the learning coach and to facilitate the learning schedule; -
Typically, elementary students require daily guidance from their parent or guardian, while middle and high school students need guidance on a weekly basis;
Some Considerations for Parents of Distance Learning Students
Make sure your student understands the expectations for Distance Learning;
Maintain a daily routine around school and schoolwork;
Keep in touch with teacher(s) on a regular basis and let them know if your child is experiencing specific challenges;
Do check-ins with your child regarding academics. This includes checking their Canvas course to ensure the option chosen for your child is appropriate;
Seek assistance from school staff for emotional or mental health if needed.
Distance Learning and Exceptional Education
Exceptional education students will continue to receive a high-quality education in alignment with a learner’s Individual Educational Plans (IEPs). The Wakulla County School Board Department of Exceptional Student Education is committed to addressing the individual needs of students with disabilities (SWD).
Our district will provide training, resources and tools to support IEP teams in determining the needed services.
For families choosing Distance Learning, the IEP team will meet to ensure that the district’s online program is individualized for each student in the Distance Learning environment. Special education and related services as identified in the IEP during Distance Learning may be provided in a variety of ways including the use of telephone calls, instructional support materials, internet based or virtual lessons and/or virtual therapies, and other available distance-based learning approaches.
Our district will take the following actions to ensure the needs of our ESE students are addressed:
Teachers and administrators will review a student's baseline data in order to determine present level and learning gaps;
Educators will review student’s progression toward IEP goals and objectives;
Determine any need for additional supports or services to remediate gaps;
Ensure delivery of services and supports through extended learning opportunities as necessary;
Progress monitoring assessments may be conducted utilizing diagnostic assessments and curriculum-based measures;
Schedule and hold all meetings and complete all evaluations that were postponed due to requirements of social distancing for in-person meetings;
Provide ongoing communication and collaboration with parents;
Hold IEP team meetings, including parents and all appropriate IEP team members to conduct annual reviews, revisions and eligibility staffing. These may take place utilizing Microsoft Teams or telephone conference calls. Teams may meet in-person if CDC guidelines allow;
Introduction to Distance Learning
Instructional Materials
Textbooks and Instructional Materials
- 2024-2025 K-5 Textbooks and Instructional Materials List
- K-5 ELA Sample Text List
- 6-8 ELA Sample Text List
- 9-12 ELA Sample Text List
- Civic Reading List
A parent has the right to object to his or her child's use of a specific instructional material (F.S. 1006.28(1)(a)2.
- The parent must submit his/her objection to the teacher and school principal. The form to facilitate this is located here.
- The principal will ensure that the contested instructional material has been appropriately reviewed and approved prior to its use in the classroom.
- The principal will ensure that the teacher provides an alternate assignment that is equivalent but not punitive in nature.
- The completion and quality of the alternate assignment is the responsibility of the student, and the teacher will evaluate the assignment upon the same merits as the rest of the class is judged.
Please utilize the Challenged Materials Form if you would like to object to any instructional material.
Instructional Materials Handbook
Instructional Materials Forms
- Instructional Materials Review Form
- Request for Instructional Resource Review
- Challenged Materials Form
- Parent Request for Alternate Assignment
- Parent Petition to Contest Adopted Material
- Textbook Inventory
Instructional Materials Review Form
Request for Instructional Resource Review
Challenged Materials Form
Parent Request for Alternate Assignment
Parent Petition to Contest Adopted Material
Textbook Inventory
Textbook Adoption
2024-2025 Instructional Materials Adoption
Initial Review of Instructional Materials for K-12 Science
Initial review of state-adopted instructional materials for Science will occur in January 2025, by the Instructional Materials Review Committee. For questions regarding the Instructional Materials Process, or for access to sample materials, please contact Holly Harden, Director of Curriculum, at (850) 926-0065.
Click here for the Instructional Materials Adoption Timeline.
Click here for information regarding the Instructional Materials Review Committee.
Click here for a list of state adopted resources to be reviewed and public access to digital content.
Intent to Adopt Instructional Materials for K-12 Science
Once recommended resources have been selected for board approval, they will be listed below.
View the list of recommended resources.
Click here for Parent Petition to Contest an Instructional Material Being Adopted.
Reconsideration of Instructional Materials
Please note the following Florida statue that pertains to input regarding instructional materials:
F.S. 1006.28 (2)(a)(2)(a,b) Each district school board must adopt a policy regarding an objection by a parent or a resident of the county to the use of a specific instructional material, which clearly describes a process to handle all objections and provides for resolution. The process must provide the parent or resident the opportunity to proffer evidence to the district school board that:
a. An instructional material does not meet the criteria of s. 1006.31(2) or s. 1006.40(3)(d) if it was selected for use in a course or otherwise made available to students in the school district but was not subject to the public notice, review, comment, and hearing procedures under s. 1006.283(2)(b)8., 9., and 11. b. Any material used in a classroom, made available in a school library, or included on a reading list contains content that is pornographic or prohibited under s. 847.012, is not suited to student needs and their ability to comprehend the material presented, or is inappropriate for the grade level and age group for which the material is used.
If the district school board finds that an instructional material does not meet the criteria under sub-subparagraph a. or that any other material contains prohibited content under sub-subparagraph b., the school district shall discontinue use of the material for any grade level or age group for which such use is inappropriate or unsuitable.
Please utilize the Challenged Materials Form if you would like to object to any instructional material.
Educator Resources
- Just Read, Florida! for Educators
- Instructional Resources for Teachers
- Professional Development
- Educator Certification
- The ePDC
Just Read, Florida! for Educators
Instructional Resources for Teachers
These resources are in addition to the online textbooks and software programs that are supported throughout the district and can be used by any teacher to help with instruction.
Additional Instructional Resources
General Resources
- Educational Technology Clearinghouse Provides free pictures and other resources for projects
- National Geographic Kids National Geographic Education
- Copyright and Fair Use Information
- Commonsense Media Links to Copyright posters and information and links to educational resources and games.
- Cyber Surf Island A game created by the FBI that teaches important cybersafety tips and rules.
- Think. U. Know - an internet safety program that has training for adults as well as a program for kids to learn about online safety. The section for kids has how-to guides, games and tips on online safety
- Digital Safety - a more general informational guide to internet safety but has specific sections on common safety concerns; it covers social media use, keeping kids safe online, cyberbullying and password security.
- Elementary Comprehensive Health Education Toolkit
- Secondary Comprehensive Health Education Toolkit
Social Studies
- The New York Times Learning Network Access to news stories and information on current and past history
- Microsoft-World Wide Telescope Zoom in on places around the world or in the sky to get a closer look.
- PBS Learning Media Search on Social Studies and find many helpful videos.
- iWasWondering Inspired by the middle-school biography series, Women's Adventures in Science, this site has brief biographical information and interactive games, including a virtual telescope.
- Science Materials The Wakulla County 4_H Program in conjunction with the University of Florida endorses and shares resource materials that support science and social studies topics.
- Just Science Now Provides effective questioning techniques and sample lesson plans that implement inquiry
- National Institutes of HealthCurriculum Supplements are interactive teaching units that combine science research discoveries with instructional materials. Each supplement is a teacher’s guide to two weeks of lessons on science and human health (elementary, middle and high school)
- The National Science Digital Library
- Resources for the 2016 Florida History Fair Sponsored by the Museum of Florida History, the Florida History Fair (FHF) is an annual, statewide activity that enhances the teaching and learning of history at elementary and secondary school levels.
- Science Fair Project Ideas, Answers & Tools
- Anatomy of the Human Heart
- Exploratorium | The Science of Cooking
- Dance Mat Typing - - Includes levels of typing and starts with hand placement!!
- Big Brown Bear - - Provides a free keyboard and times students as they press the right keys
- Typing Web - - A free online typing and keyboarding website
- Computer Basics - - Provides basic computer definitions to help you learn about technology
English Language Arts (ELA)
- The Florida Center for Reading Research This site explores all aspects of reading research. It includes information on PMRN/FAIR as well.
- Graphic Organizers from TeacherVision
- PDF e-book of 32 vocabulary lessons
- The First Key to Unlocking Complex Text: A Generative Vocabulary
- Informational Texts from the Center for Urban Education
- One-page Student Passages from TextProject Website
- Word Pictures to accompany vocabulary and comprehension instruction from TextProject Website
- Wonderopolis Each day, this site explains a new "wonder" of daily life such as why zebras have strips.
- Infoplease Encyclopedia, Almanac, news articles
- Open Library Provides hundreds of free eBooks including some Common Core Exemplars. You can create a free account.
- Professional Development on the use of Primary Sources From the Library of Congress
- (K-8) A variety of passages with questions. Each passage shows the passage Lexile. Free, but requires registration.
Professional Development
Professional Learning Catalog
Wakulla County Schools contracts with the Panhandle Area Education Consortium (PAEC) for preparation and maintenance of its state-approved Professional Learning Catalog. Members of the PAEC Professional Development Council, which includes representatives from each member district, meet quarterly to discuss needs and determine financially responsible ways to meet those needs in each district. The Professional Learning Catalog is updated annually and used as a foundational part for each district’s Professional Development System.
The Wakulla County School District Professional Learning system is designed around the four areas of the Florida Professional Learning System Evaluation Protocol – Planning, Learning, Implementing, and Evaluating.
View the Panhandle Area Educational Consortium (PAEC) Master In-Service Plan
Panhandle Area Educational Consortium (PAEC) Professional Learning Catalog
Electronic Professional Development Connections
Click on the PDC icon to find the wide range of professional development opportunities for teachers, district, and school administrators and support staff focusing on student achievement.
If you have any Professional Development questions, please contact Holly Harden, Coordinator of Instruction by phone at (850) 926-0065 or by fax at (850) 926-0123.
Professional Development Master Inservice Plan
Staff Accountability Issues
In accordance with the new Professional Learning Catalog and Staff Development Protocol the following practices and responsibilities are specified.
I understand that:
- in order to receive staff development pay I must register and satisfactorily complete the follow-up for the staff development activity;
- staff development activities that I attend during the course of my normal work day require the completion of any applicable follow-up activity;
- I will not be reimbursed for or receive inservice credit for staff development activities for which I do not obtain prior approval from my administrator;
- the monitoring of my staff development transcript is a part of my professional responsibility. I should report any problems or discrepancies in a timely manner;
- if I allow the allotted time to pass without satisfactorily completing the required follow-up I will NOT receive any inservice points for the activity;
- failure to complete required follow-ups can affect my future eligibility for staff development activities and may be reflected in my evaluation.
- in order to receive inservice credit for a conference or staff development that I attend I must attend the ENTIRE activity. Partial credit will NOT be awarded.
- absence from more than 10% of an activity will result in no credit for the activity.
Administrator Responsibilities
- Make sure that all planned staff development activities for your staff are entered into the ePDC.
- Double-check to assure that information is correct.
- Print attendance sheets from the ePDC to determine who has registered for the course. Report any problems to the staff development coordinator.
- Respond to all follow-ups within two weeks of receipt.
- Review staff transcripts to determine behaviors and activities to observe in teacher classrooms.
- Assist staff in attending inservice activities that relate to professional development goals and school improvement goals.
- Review staff transcripts to assure that staff members are completing follow up activities.
- Hold staff accountable for instruction received in staff development activities.
- Do not turn in a request for inservice pay for someone who has not registered for the activity.
- Share the Staff Accountability Issues (see below) with your staff annually.
Teacher/Staff Responsibilities
- Obtain supervisor approval for all staff development activities BEFORE committing to attend the activity. This includes courses that are offered through PAEC and already listed in the ePDC.
- Register for all staff development activities that you attend.
- Complete follow-up requirements for all staff development activities that you attend.
- Check to make sure that follow-up is approved.
- Provide information to supervisor on out of district activities that need to be entered into the ePDC BEFORE attending the activity.
- Check transcript regularly to make sure that it accurately reflects staff development activities.
- Report any errors on transcript to staff development coordinator.
- Check certificate page regularly to make sure that it accurately reflects certificate information.
- Check your email regularly.
- If you are unable to attend an activity for which you have registered, contact your administrator so that it can be removed from your transcript.
Professional Development Goals
Teaching and Assessing for Learning
GOAL A3: | Improve the use of progress monitoring and data review to inform instruction. |
Goal A3 Objectives: | A) Address and improve the use of student achievement data (progress monitoring, Response to Intervention) to impact instruction. |
GOAL A4: | Maximize the implementation of standards-based instruction to improve student achievement. |
Goal A4 Objectives: | A) Train and support teachers in the implementation of standards-based instruction. |
High Performing Staff
GOAL B1: | Employ, retain, and train highly qualified, effective and accountable personnel. |
Goal B1 Objectives: |
A) Maintain current and effective evaluation systems for teachers and leaders. B) Maintain/Expand Level 1 Leadership and Level II Principal Certification programs. C) Implement SKYWARD “onboarding” software for applications and forms. D) Create and implement a “Grow Your Own” teacher recruitment program. E) Provide training to support staff in meeting the needs of students. |
GOAL B2: | Implement a system to encourage and support professional collaboration among teachers and leaders. |
Goal B2 Objectives: | A) Implement guidelines and procedures to support and encourage collaborative learning. |
Educator Certification
Wakulla County School District is committed to hiring educators who are certified, qualified and teaching in-field for their respective positions. Educators are responsible for maintaining a valid Florida or District certificate. Certain positions allow for professional licensure in lieu of educator certification.
Information Concerning Florida Educator Certification
Initial Florida Educator's Certification
In order to obtain an educator certification from the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE), make application and payment to the FLDOE. Official college transcripts are required to be sent directly to the FLDOE for review.
After the FLDOE reviews the application, they will issue a Statement of Eligibility (SOE) indicating if you are eligible or are not eligible for a certificate. Once you receive the SOE indicating you are eligible, you may be hired as a teacher. The SOE outlines requirements for obtaining a temporary and a professional certificate.
Certificate Renewal Information
Six (6) semester hours of college credit to include at least one (1) semester hour in teaching students with disabilities (SWD) must be earned during each renewal period to renew your certificate. Acceptable College Credit Equivalencies for renewal may be viewed on the FLDOE website.
- Renewal requirements must be completed during the last validity period of the Professional Certificate and prior to the expiration of the Professional Certificate. It is the responsibility of each applicant to obtain current information regarding renewal requirements from the employing school district or Bureau of Educator Certification.
- The application form and appropriate fee must be submitted during the last year of the validity period of the certificate and prior to the expiration of the Professional Certificate.
Certificate Renewal Process for Current WCSB Employees
- WCSB Steps in the Certificate Renewal Process
- WCSB FAQ on Certificate Renewal
- Certificate Renewal Application Steps
- Steps for Reviewing ePDC Points
- Applicant How-To Videos (
Transferring Professional Development Points
Inservice completed during the validity period of current professional certificates may be transferred between Florida school districts. The process involves communicating with the school district from which points were earned and the Wakulla County School District Instructional Services Department. ESOL, Reading, and SWD in-service points are bankable if earned while holding a valid professional certificate. Contact Holly Harden, Curriculum Coordinator at (850) 926-0065, ext.9510 for professional development information.
Certification Examinations Website
Adding an Endorsement
- Adding an Endorsement through Passing the Reading Certification Exam
- Adding an Endorsement through Reading Endorsement Competency Coursework
- Adding an Endorsement through District Coursework
Adding a Subject Area
The ePDC
ePDC stands for the electronic Professional Development Connections. It is a service of the FloridaLearns Academy which provides a wide range of professional development opportunities for teachers, district, and school administrators and support staff focusing on student achievement.
If you know how to navigate ePDC, please go to the site.
If you need instructions, please click below for more details.
Parent Resources
- Florida Standards Assessments
- Just Read, Florida! for Parents
- New Worlds Reading Initiative
- New Worlds Scholarships Account
- Reproductive Health and Disease Education
Florida Standards Assessments
Just Read, Florida! for Parents
New Worlds Reading Initiative
We’re proud to support New Worlds Reading! New Worlds Reading is Florida’s free home literacy program that delivers books and reading activities to eligible VPK–5thgraders. Enrolled children receive 9 free books that they choose each school year through fifth grade, along with reading activities and resources families can use to help build kids’ reading skills. To be eligible, kids must be VPK-5th graders who are not yet meeting grade level expectations in reading in Florida VPK programs, public schools, and charter schools. The program is administered by the UF Lastinger Center for Learning, who has selected Scholastic as a partner. Books are selected in collaboration with the Florida Department of Education. Learn more at
Informational Video :
New Worlds Reading Initiative Website:
New Worlds Scholarships Account
Reproductive Health and Disease Education
Reproductive Health and Disease Education Notice
Wakulla County School District's Reproductive Health and Disease Education opt-out process, in compliance with Florida State F.S. 1003.42(3), allows parents, through written request to the school principal, to choose for their child to b exempt from the teaching of reproductive health or any disease, including HIV/AIDS, its symptoms, development, and treatment.
Florida Statue 1002.20 requires each school district to publish a notice on the district's website concerning a parent's right to exempt a student from reproductive health and disease education.
Parents should use the 24-25 Reproductive Health and Disease Exemption Form to request exemption from reproductive health and disease instruction.
The completed form should be submitted to the front office of the student's school of enrollment.
Courses taught in Wakulla County School District that contain standards related to reproductive health and disease are listed below. Course standards and information on major instructional materials are defined by s.1006.23(2).
Regular Education Courses
M/J Comprehensive Science 1
- Course Number: 2002040· Standards SC.6.14.5, SC.6.14.6
- Materials - Textbook: Florida Science Grade 6 Unit 7 Lesson Publisher: HMH
Wakulla County parents and families may view the instructional materials by accessing ClassLink.
M/J Comprehensive Science 2
- Course Number: 2002070 Standards SC.7.L.16.4
- Materials - Textbook: Florida Science Grade 7 Unit 8 Publisher: HMH
- Wakulla County parents and families may view the instructional materials by accessing ClassLink.
Integrated Science/Honors and Integrated Science 2
Course Number: 2002400/2002410/2002420 Standards SC.912.L.16.1, SC.912.L.16.13
Materials – Textbook: Florida Biology 2019 Chapter 2 Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Wakulla County parents and families may view the instructional materials by accessing ClassLink.
Course Number: 2000310/2000320 Standards: SC.912.L.16.13, SC.912.L.16.16, SC.912.L.16.17
Materials – Textbook: Florida Biology 2019 Chapter 2 Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Wakulla County parents and families may view the instructional materials by accessing ClassLink.
Career and Technical Education Courses
Health Science Anatomy and Physiology*
Course Number: 8417100 Standards Attached
Health Science Foundations*
Course Number: 8417110 Standards Attached
Human Growth and Development (Optional)
4th Grade
- Offered to 4th graders during second semester; parents may ‘opt out’
- Instruction delivered by Wakulla Health Department
- Materials – Always Changing and Growing Up, video Procter and Gamble, 2017
Click here for standards/curriculum