Food Services
The Food Service Staff for the Wakulla County School District firmly believes that children who are hungry are not able to learn at their maximum potential. It is the mission of the Food Service staff to enhance the lives of children in order that they may reach their full potential in both mind and body by providing quality nutritious meals in an effective and cost efficient manner.School meals and beverages sold or served to students meet state and federal guidelines which are based on the USDA dietary guidelines.
Food Service Information
- Contact Us
- Pricing & Payment
- Diet Modification
- Inspections
- Resources
- USDA Nondiscrimination Statement
Contact Us
School Cafeteria Contacts |
Medart Elementary Manager: Lorretta Sellers (850) 962-1059 Crawfordville Elementary Manager: Catherine Dudley (850) 926-7548 |
Shadeville Elementary |
Riversink Elementary |
Wakulla High Manager: Elbonnie Hill (850) 926-1554 WEC Manager: Angeleque Wilkins (850) 926-8111 |
Pricing & Payment
Payment Information
(Prepayment accepted for any amount)
Prepayment money is placed in an individual account, and can be used to purchase breakfast, lunch, and ala carte items.
High School Parents:
Meal prices are:
Breakfast $1.95
Lunch $2.95
You can now check your child's lunch Account Balance and Meal History!
A student without lunch money may borrow according to school guidelines established by the administrative staff at each school.
Substitution of food items for individuals may be made for medical reasons.
Please assist cashiers by...
- Placing cash in an envelope labeled with your child's name and money amount.
- Writing your child's full name on the check.
- Indicating if the money is to be split among siblings- who and how much
- Noting if the money is to be used for lunch, breakfast, extra milk or to repay a charge.
- Auditing guidelines prohibit cashiers from transferring funds from one account to another without a written request from parents.
Elementary, Middle, and PreK School Pricing Information
- Elementary & Middle Students at all Wakulla County Schools may eat breakfast and lunch at no cost to parents.
- Students are welcome to purchase ala carte items.
- Yogurt, juice, string cheese and possibly other items will be available for purchase at lunch time.
Diet Modification
WCSB Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, and Wakulla Institute are enrolled in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program. The intent of the CEP program is to improve students’ access to free school meals and eliminate the burden for families who were required to complete applications for free or reduced meals on an annual basis. The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 authorized the CEP program to provide an alternative to household applications in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs.
CEP schools provide school breakfast and lunch to ALL students at NO CHARGE while they are enrolled in a CEP school during the current school year. Schools approved for the CEP program are reevaluated and assessed each school year to determine eligibility and whether the provision can be financially supported by the department or district.
Families attending these sites do NOT need to submit a free or reduced-price meal application for the 2024–2025 school year.
- What does this mean for my student?
- Do I need to fill out a Free or Reduced Meal application?
- Do I still need a lunch account?
- What is a reimbursable meal?
- What is the benefit of CEP?
- Where can I get more information?
What does this mean for my student?
Simply put, this means that all students enrolled in any elementary school or Wakulla Institute as part of the Wakulla County School District can receive a reimbursable meal at breakfast and lunch at no cost to the student or family.
Please note that this is not a “free lunch” or “free food” program. These meals are being paid for by the USDA on behalf of the students and their families. The CEP program explicitly states that only a complete meal, as defined by the USDA as a reimbursable meal, is provided to each student at breakfast and lunch. Any purchases that do not constitute a reimbursable meal are charged (and paid) at A La Carte prices by the student or family. Along the same lines, this program applies to actively enrolled students only and therefore no adults or non-enrolled students qualify for the no-cost meals.
Do I need to fill out a Free or Reduced Meal application?
Not for enrollees at the aforementioned schools, but you may if your child attends one of the other sites. Because the District operates a CEP program, Food and Nutrition Services will no longer be accepting any Free and Reduced Meal applications for the elementary schools and WI. All students at these sites will be fed a reimbursable meal for breakfast and lunch at no cost.
Do I still need a lunch account?
The simple answer is yes, although it is not required.
The reimbursable meal for breakfast and lunch are being provided at no cost. However, any other items in addition to that meal, or if the student refuses to take all the required components to make a complete meal, will be charged at A La Carte prices to the student’s account.
What is a reimbursable meal?
A reimbursable meal is a meal that is offered to students that meet certain nutritional and portion size requirements as set forth by the USDA. What qualifies as a reimbursable meal is mandated by the USDA and every school participating in the National School Lunch and/or Breakfast Program must offer certain components to students every day. In addition to the nutritional requirements, the information below is the minimum daily component offering requirements set by USDA based on meal and grade. Students do NOT have to take every component offered.
Breakfast1 (Pre-K–12th Grade)
- Fruit - 1 cup (including 1/2 cup juice)
- Grains - 1 oz
- Milk - 1 cup
Pre-K–8th Grade
- Fruit - 1/2 cup
- Vegetables - 3/4 cup
- Grains - 1 oz
- Meat/Meat Alternate - 1 oz
- Milk - 1 cup
9th–12th Grade
- Fruit - 1 cup
- Vegetables - 1 cup
- Grains - 2 oz
- Meat/Meat Alternate - 2 oz
- Milk - 1 cup
1: For breakfast, each plate must have at least 3 items and 1 item must be a fruit. Four items must be offered to students each breakfast.
2: For lunch, each plate must have at least three components and one component must be a fruit or vegetable to be counted as reimbursable. If the plate does not contain these items, the student will be charged ala carte pricing.
What is the benefit of CEP?
Access to free nutritious meals for all students with no stigma, and less time spent in cashier lines and more time to eat nutritious meals.
All enrolled students will be served a breakfast and lunch meal at no cost without having to complete a Free or Reduced household application. No household applications mean less paperwork and no worries about meal accounts.
School staff:
Streamlined meal service operation and more time for students to consume their food.
Reduced paperwork and administrative costs, no need to track unpaid meal charges, improved program integrity, and more nourished students ready to learn and grow.
Where can I get more information?
USDA Nondiscrimination Statement
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the bases of race, color ,national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or if all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all program and/or employment activities.)
If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, found online, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S.Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or by email.
Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800) 945-6136 (in Spanish).
USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.