The Legacy Café, David Miller Center for Successful Transition was dedicated in 2012 in recognition of longtime Superintendent Miller’s commitment to success for all students. It is housed in the cafeteria of the former Crawfordville Elementary School, currently the Wakulla County School District Office and serves as a training ground for students with disabilities to develop skills in culinary arts, hygiene, social communication, maintenance and the business of running a restaurant through hands on participation. Students plan the menu, shop for the food and supplies, prepare and serve the food, collect money, and perform the maintenance duties (laundry, dish-washing and cleaning). Participating students come from the Wakulla High School Exceptional Student Education Program and the Program for Adults with Disabilities. Beginning in 2013, the students have expanded the business to include a boutique offering the sale of handcrafted items.
The Legacy Café and Boutique was named by students based on the Legacy of Excellence enjoyed by the Wakulla County School District; the Legacy of Superintendent Miller, who attended school at the site and whose mother was a teacher there, and the Legacy of the men who built the school during the depression era in 1933 as part of the Works Progress Administration (WPA) project.
The Legacy Café and Boutique is open every Tuesday and Thursday when school is in session to school district employees and community members between 11:00-12:30 for lunch. The menu offerings are baked potatoes with toppings, sandwiches and salads, as well as a home baked dessert. Pre-orders must be received in order to avoid waste. Proceeds from the boutique and café support the programs and surplus funds are paid to the student workers to teach fiscal responsibility and independence.